The world isn’t standard, and neither are TARTAN displays!

Stretched displays are readily available in a wide variety of standard sizes (from sizes 23.6” to 58.4”), but our customers frequently require them to be tailored to the specific needs of their applications. So, when size matters, the flexibility of TARTAN, part of the AUO Display Plus series family, could be just what you need.

The series uses Hi TNI LCD, which is resistant to temperature-induced image distortion. It also offers various brightness options of up to 2500 nits, giving great visibility even in bright sunlight and circular polarizers with low reflection give sharp images, even viewed through sunglasses. Together, they make a display that is ideal for outdoor industrial and signage applications. Plus AUO’s ‘TARTAN display technology uses a ‘native photomask’ manufacturing technique, which eliminates any quality problems that result from cutting displays to custom sizes. Overall, this is a display that is engineered for reliable operation and low power consumption.

A photo of a display at a train station showing information for passengers

Additionally, AUO were recently recognized by the Manufacturing Leadership Awards (MLA) as a High Achiever in Sustainability and the Circular Economy category by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) in the US and has applied a wealth of green manufacturing expertise to transform old factories into sustainable smart factories.

Our display solutions come in a range of form-factors and we have experts on hand to guide you in the creation of display or touch solutions. Get in touch today and find out how Avnet Embedded can propel your product innovation.

Learn more about our display solutions

Simple displays, touchscreens, even entire HMI systems – we can do it all for you.

Explore our range of TFT displays

All shapes and sizes, ready-to-go or completely customizable to suit your product. Explore the range now.