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Ai Solutions

AI has taken center stage in recent times, powering everything from how we receive advertisements to saving lives by detecting the early signs of cancer, but how do you start developing a solution that captures and delivers this power?

The natural starting position is selecting the right tool for the job, in most cases this is achieved by selecting the “brain” for which there are many options for both Machine Learning and inferencing at the edge.

Intel, AMD, Google, nVidia and Hailo all have strong offerings in the market with individual areas of excellence and all with pro’s and con’s.

Using Avnet Embedded ‘s deep knowledge of both the hardware and software requirements driving Ai, we have selected a range of Ai solutions that can be used as either a starting position for customisation or deployed in mass production as they are.

Use our product browser to navigate our full range of Ai Solutions products here:

Use our product browser to navigate our full range of Ai Solutions products here:

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