
Avnet Embedded‘s new compact SMARC module with extreme low power consumption
Avnet Embedded has announced a scalable SMARC 2.1.1™ system-on-module family designed for extremely low power consumption combined with good computing performance. The compact CPU boards are suitable for battery/solar-powered systems, IoT edge products, portable embedded controllers, handheld test and measurement devices, and mobile medical systems. The new power-efficient module generation is a further technology evolution step from microcontrollers (MCUs) to microprocessors (MPUs).

When energy is a problem, could data be a solution?
We’ve lost count of the many and inventive ways that organisations look to meet their sustainability goals, keep on top of costs and transform to operate more efficiently and effectively. And like the old adage about not seeing the forest for the trees, we know that quite often they are overlooking one obvious, but significant change that can address all three issues in one single action: through better management of energy consumption.

EV Charging: The race to sustainability, loyalty and returns
Is EV Charging ‘the new Wifi’? Not yet. But in the future, it will be more than just a way to power vehicles – it will change where we go and what we do.

Regulatory insights: Are your computer, audiovisual and information technology products ready for the transition to 62368-1?
Regulatory certification can be confusing because of constantly changing standards, the complexity of the process and the amount of time needed to properly complete it. For most of our customers it is well outside their core competency and can be a drain on resources, delay time-to-market and create unnecessary liabilities.