Our Integrated Management System
Avnet Embedded has been certified since 1999 and today maintains a wide-ranging integrated management system based on modern, interactive process management.
The normative requirements for quality, environment, occupational health and safety, sustainability and compliance are taken into account.
The driving force for our continuous development is greatly influenced by internal and external audits, as well as process assessments.
With our strong customer focus, we aim to create added value for our stakeholders, such as employees, customers and business partners, as well as society.
Our Quality Policy
The holistic quality management is part of the integrated management system and covers the entire product life cycle from development to services. The basis for this is an excellent quality standard, which is the benchmark for our actions.
With this high standard and a clear target focus on product and process quality, we aim to meet or even exceed our customers’ requirements.
In our system development and system production, we also meet the requirements for medical products according to ISO 13485, focusing on the safety and performance of the products produced with special consideration of customer requirements. Our end-to-end traceability contributes significantly to sustainable quality assurance and enables us to clearly and quickly identify and trace the end products throughout the entire supply and value chain, right down to the individual component.
We see quality as an essential management task, and thus all employees are jointly responsible in their areas for ensuring first-class quality in their work. Continuous improvement of quality management, as well as all production and business processes, is an integral part of our work and is regularly checked and confirmed by audits at the sites concerned.
For our employees, error prevention has absolute priority and they are continuously trained and developed for their tasks on the basis of the management system.
Our Environmental Policy
The Environmental Policy provides the overarching framework for the continuous improvement of environmental performance and compliance with all applicable environmental, occupational health and safety, and other relevant requirements to which Avnet Embedded is committed. In this context, it is essential to design our own processes in the most energy-efficient, environmentally compatible and resource-saving way possible.
Sustainability as an integral component
Avnet Embedded is committed to future-oriented and sustainable development. Its actions are guided by the task of preserving the natural foundations of life for future generations.
A primary goal is to anchor the guiding principle of sustainability in all processes. Projects dealing with the topic of sustainability are initiated and promoted.
All employees are responsible for their environmentally compatible actions and for their participation in achieving environmental goals.
Their suggestions and ideas for further improvements are an important contribution to our development.
Reduce resource consumption and environmental impact
Avnet Embedded considers official environmental guidelines and requirements as a minimum requirement. It is committed to implementing current environmental standards. This applies in particular to the areas of energy consumption, building heating, water, disposal and consumables. The economical and efficient use of resources is elementary, the avoidance of environmental pollution such as emissions, waste water and waste is a major concern for us, as is the recycling of raw materials.
For procurements and investments, environmental impacts during production, storage, delivery, use and disposal are taken into account and environmentally as well as socially acceptable alternatives are preferred. Avnet Embedded also works towards ecological and social improvement with its suppliers and service providers.
Avnet Embedded supplies customers with products that fall within the scope of various laws and regulations. In doing so, we occupy different roles (e.g. manufacturer, importer, downstream user, etc.). We are fully aware of the obligations of these laws and regulations and do everything possible to fulfill our obligations (e.g. registration, information disclosure, substance restrictions, etc.).
Tria Technologies
Avnet Embedded (Malta) Ltd
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Member of DGQ

A conflict-free supply chain is our priority
We believe our customers should be fully informed about the products they purchase.

Modern slavery and human trafficking
Avnet’s Global policy against human trafficking, modern slavery and child labor.

Social Responsibility
The term social responsibility or corporate social responsibility refers to the responsibility of companies for their impact on society in terms of social, economic and ecological factors.
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Social Responsibility
The term social responsibility or corporate social responsibility refers to the responsibility of companies for their impact on society in terms of social, economic and ecological factors.
As a globally active company, we are aware of our responsibility. To fulfill this responsibility and set a good example, we make a voluntary contribution to sustainable development that goes beyond the legal requirements.
To this end, we have developed a strategy comprising a wide range of initiatives and activities that encompasses the various fields of action and thus offers added value for our stakeholders.
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