
Avnet Embedded presents scalable SMARC module family based on i.MX 93 applications processors from NXP Semiconductors
Stutensee, Germany – November, 2022 – Avnet Embedded continues its long and successful partnership with NXP™ Semiconductors and presents the scalable MSC SM2S-IMX93 SMARC 2.1.1™ module family. The compact standard modules integrate NXP’s i.MX 93 applications processors with a typical design power of 2 - 4 Watts for low-power applications.

Avnet Embedded and Renesas cooperate in the field of SMARC modules and present first energy- and cost-efficient module family based on RZ/G2UL processors
Stutensee, Germany – November, 2022 – In order to open up new markets and applications for scalable standard modules, Avnet Embedded, the leading manufacturer of embedded solutions, has extended the existing partnership of the Avnet Group with Renesas, a globally established processor manufacturer, to include compact SMARC modules.

Inclusive Design? The clue is in the name
There have been plenty of key moments in history when technology catches up with ambition and the results have been world changing. Read the article to find out more about inclusive design in technology.

Avnet Embedded integrates new i.MX 93 processor technology from NXP™ Semiconductors into SMARC™ module family
Stutensee, Germany – June, 2022 – Avnet Embedded announces at embedded world 2022 that the leading provider of embedded computing modules is supporting the new i.MX 93 Applications Processor family from NXP™ Semiconductors on the latest SMARC 2.1.1™ form factor. The first MSC SM2S-IMX93 module family expands Avnet Embedded’s very extensive SMARC 2.1.1™ portfolio based on i.MX 8 or i.MX 6 processors from NXP with latest i.MX 9 Series technology.

When energy is a problem, could data be a solution?
We’ve lost count of the many and inventive ways that organisations look to meet their sustainability goals, keep on top of costs and transform to operate more efficiently and effectively. And like the old adage about not seeing the forest for the trees, we know that quite often they are overlooking one obvious, but significant change that can address all three issues in one single action: through better management of energy consumption.

Industrial automation demands high flexibility
Based on deep expertise and an extensive portfolio of SMARC 2.0, Qseven, COM Express and nanoRISC standard modules, Avnet Integrated offers application-optimized single board computer solutions. These innovative products are designed for industrial applications and are developed and manufactured in-house in Stutensee, Germany.

Regulatory insights: Are your computer, audiovisual and information technology products ready for the transition to 62368-1?
Regulatory certification can be confusing because of constantly changing standards, the complexity of the process and the amount of time needed to properly complete it. For most of our customers it is well outside their core competency and can be a drain on resources, delay time-to-market and create unnecessary liabilities.

Machines in the middle: infection transmission via touchscreens
In the last few months, what we touch – and who else has touched it - has suddenly become a critical thought process that very few people thought of previously. Touch screens, devices, kiosks, fuel pumps – people are a lot more conscious of what they have to touch, and the implications of hygiene on every day life.